General Market
The construction industry is one of the most vibrant, stable and reliable markets in the region, with investment in the sector continually growing for the past 50 years of Highseas existence. Due to the unique environmental nature of the region, Highseas has evolved its products and services deployment to provide the latest and most effective solutions for this sector.
The Maritime Industry has long been a mainstay of the Kuwait culture, serving as a lifeline for the traders that first resided in Kuwait before the discovery of oil, and later as a palpable force driving the energy sector from Kuwait to the world.
Highseas has many activities in serving this sector are founded on the supply & servicing of Marine Safety and Survival Equipment’s. We represent all the major life saving equipment manufacturers exclusively in Kuwait. Our expertise is in the inspection and re-certification of LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENTS such as LIFERAFT, LIFE JACKET, BREATHING APPARTUS, EMERSION SUITES, EEBD, FIRE EXTINGUSHERS, CO2 SYSTEM, LIFE BOAT, and RESCUE BOATS.
In today’s business world, rapid advancements in communication have resulted in convenient and efficient business solutions, transportation and logistics – all major factors of business services that lead to customer satisfaction.
Highseas provides services in the local logistics industry. However, the company is one of the very few that provides the full lifecycle of logistics. At present, Highseas undertakes all inward cargo transportation activities through air, land and sea through its network of agents across the world providing advice for customers to manage their cost effectively. Customers do not have to concern over logistics process, as Highseas will provide advice and services guaranteeing an outcome that exceeds the client requirements.
Information Technology & Learning Facilities
The modern workplace is no longer a place of slow paced manual activity, it has evolved to a lightning speed interactive hive of ingenuity and innovation.
Our top priority is creating a successful customer. Highseas provides effective and competitive information technology (IT) services in diverse market sectors for a wide range of projects. Our full service capabilities, technology-based tools, and innovative solutions help our customers achieve their goals—and their success reinforces our position as an industry leader